

Duct tape, electrical cables, explosives, detonator. Sebbe never planned to build a bomb. It just happened. Sebbe is fifteen and lives with his mother in an apartment that is much too small. He does his best. He never hits back. Sebbe loves his mother because he can't do otherwise. Sebbe escapes to the junk yard, and in his hands, dead things come to life. He has the power to create. Here he is free, but alone. His detachment increases at the same pace that his world shrinks, until finally, one day he is completely isolated, without anyone except his mother. When she fails him, all else fails.

Director's Statement

Very simply, film should be like a good song - an emotional journey with an unknown destination.

Director's Biography

Babak Najafi, born in 1975 in Teheran, Iran, came to Sweden when he was 11 years old. His interest in filmmaking started early. Already as a child he worked a Super-8 camera and used his mother as a critic.

Babak Najafi studied at the University College of Film, Radio, Television and Theatre (Dramatiska Institutet) in Stockholm 1998 - 2002. Since then he has directed several short documentaries and short fiction films: APRIKOSGATAN 13A (1999), PABLOS FÖDELSEDAG (2001), "GÖSTA OCH LENNART (2001), SKOLAN (2002) and JAG FÖRSTÅR INTE (2008). He has also won several awards for his short film ELIXIR (2004).

In 2004 he received the Bo Widerberg scholarship. The jury's motivation was: "Film is image, light, music, drama, poetry and an urge to tell a story. A good film comprises all of that. In his previous films Babak has proven what it takes to do it. Babak Najafi is simply a great talent and promise. He receives the scholarship as an encouragement to continue traveling on the path he has already chosen.

Cast & Crew

Directed by: Babak Najafi

Written by: Babak Najafi

Produced by: Mimmi Spång, Rebecka Lafrenz

Cinematography: Simon Pramsten

Editing: Andreas Nilsson, Gilles Balabaud

Cast: Eva Melander (Eva), Kenny Wåhlbrink (Kenny), Margret Andersson (teacher), Åsa Bodin Karlsson (Kenny's mother), Sebastian Hiort af Ornäs (Sebbe)

Nominations and Awards

  • Feature Film Selection 2010