Until the day she's literally stricken by the sight of Emilio, a young hydraulics engineer, "young, handsome and just passing through", who is working for a humanitarian organisation.
Diane climbs out of her domestic trench, and rushes headlong onto the dangerous road of amour fou. She sincerely believes that the second part of her life is a bout to begin ...
She's wrong: Emilio departs, leaving her high and dry. She is devastated by a "romantic waterloo" where she loses everything: her lover, her husband, her children, her health. Her relationship with a young novelist, François, whose second book she midwifes, eventually provides her with a means of coming to terms with the events in her life.
Cast & Crew
Directed by: Brigitte Roüan
Written by: Jean-Louis Richard, Guy Zilberstein, Philippe Le Guay, Brigitte Roüan, Santiago Amigorena
Produced by: Humbert Balsan
Cinematography: Pierre Dupouey, Arnaud Leguy, Bruno Mistretta
Editing: Laurent Rouan
Production Design: Roland Deville
Costume Design: Florence Emir, Marika Ingrato
Sound Design: Dominique Vieillard
Cast: Brigitte Roüan (Diane Clovier), Patrick Chesnais (Philippe Clovier), Boris Terral (Emilio), Nils Tavernier (François Narou)
Nominations and Awards
- European Actress 1997
- Feature Film Selection 1997