Atsushi Hirata, a young employee in a Tokyo fish company, is forced to give up his vacation in Hawaii to perform a memorial service for his parents. The ceremony can only be held at the place where they died: a river in a remote corner of Iceland.
This urbane young man has to endure bizarre adventures in this «very strange country» in order to realise his mystical quest.
This urbane young man has to endure bizarre adventures in this «very strange country» in order to realise his mystical quest.
Director's Biography
Born in 1954, Fridrik Thor Fridriksson is one of the initiators of the Reykjavik Film Festival and the University film club, active in publishing of film magazines and a film critic. His professional career as a filmmaker began with documentaries. He is the author and director of THE BLACKSMITH 1981 (doc), ROCK IN REYKJAVIK 1982 (doc) , ICELANDIC COWBOYS 1984 (doc), SKY WITHOUT LIMIT 1989 (TV), PRETTY ANGELS 1990 (TV), WHITE WHALES 1987 (feature, special mention in Locarno 1987), CHILDREN OF NATURE 1992 (feature, Oscar nomination for best foreign film 1992), MOVIE DAYS 1994 (feature, Nordic Amanda 1994).
Fridrik Thor Fridriksson founded the Icelandic Film Corporation in 1984, Iceland's leading film production company.
Fridrik Thor Fridriksson founded the Icelandic Film Corporation in 1984, Iceland's leading film production company.
Cast & Crew
Directed by: Friörik Tór Friöriksson
Written by: Jim Stark, Friörik Tór Friöriksson
Produced by: Jim Stark
Cast: Masatoshi Nagase (Atsushi Hirata), Lili Taylor (Jill), Fisher Stevens (Jack), Gisli Halldorsson (Siggi), Laura Hughes (Laura), Seijun Suzuki (grandfather)
Nominations and Awards
- Feature Film Selection 1996