Obarnata elha

Bulgaria, Germany


A huge spruce is cut down in the mountains to be used as Christmas tree in the centre of Sofia. As it is transported across the country it becomes the link between six stories that explore celebration or the lack of celebration in the everyday lives of the protagonists. The structure of the film is fragmentary - as our contemporary life is - and the stories are like snapshots of human existance - there are moments of cruelty and and moments of longing, moments of beauty and moments of disgrace... At the end the Christmas tree is decorated... The celebration may begin!

Cast & Crew

Directed by: Ivan Cherkelov & Vassil Zhivkov

Written by: Vassil Zhivkov

Cinematography: Rali Ralchev

Cast: Alexandra Vassiliva (Alla), Slava Doicheva (Rasha), Georgi Cherkelov (Socrates), Krasimir Dokov (Brother Yankov)

Nominations and Awards

  • Feature Film Selection 2007