El bosque animado



Cecebre Forest is teeming with the strangest and most curious of characters. The little bandit, the well-digger, the girl that never stops working, the boy that never wants to work, the girl that ups and leaves - they are all at home in the forest. Their stories are woven together with the lives of the rich, the landowners, the elegant ladies from Madrid who take their holidays in the forest, the woman who makes children work for her. "The Animated Forest" is a film with many voices, a movie with neither a beginning nor an end, the portrayal of a tiny and endearing world beneath the gently murmuring trees of a forest.

Cast & Crew

Directed by: José Luis Cuerda

Written by: Rafael Azcona

Cast: Laura Cinsneros, Alejandra Grepi, Fernando Rey, Miguel Relian, José Esteban, José Esteban, Miguel Relian, Fernando Reyes, Alfredo Landa, Alejandra Grep, Alfredo Landa, Laura Cinsneros

Nominations and Awards

  • European Actor 1988
  • European Film 1988