De Onbaatzuchtigen



In a world where people’s happiness is based on their right to freely sell and buy relatives, Franz sells his brother and uses the money to buy himself a girlfriend.

Director's Biography

Born in 1980, Koen Dejaegher recently graduated from the RITS – Erasmushogeschool Brussel. THE ALTRUISTS was his graduation film.

Cast & Crew

Directed by: Koen Dejaegher

Written by: Koen Dejaegher

Cinematography: Jonathan Wannyn

Editing: Stijn Deconinck

Sound Design: Nicolaas Cottenie

Cast: Valentijn Dhaenens, François Beukelaers, Maaike Neuville, Steve Aernouts

Nominations and Awards

  • European Short Film - Prix UIP 2008