
A fact-based drama, written by Paul Attansio (taking as its source Joe Pistone's memoir, My Undercover Life in the Mafia), about FBI man Pistone (Johnny Depp), who infiltrates the Mafia under cover of an assumed identity as jeweller 'Donnie Brasco'. He is then taken under the wing of loyal and likeable foot soldier Lefty Ruggiero (Al Pacino).

Cast & Crew

Directed by: Mike Newell

Written by: Paukl Attanasio

Produced by: Mark Johnson, Barry Levinson, Louis Di Giaimo, Gail Mutrux

Cast: Al Pacino (Lefty Ruggiero), Johnny Depp (Joes Pistone/Donnie Brasco), Michael Madsen (Sonny Black)

Nominations and Awards

  • Screen International Award (for a non-European film) 1997